



N's House

2007年4月竣工 栃木県さくら市

高台に建つモダンな建物の周囲は、造成したばかりの裸地でした。ヤマボウシやナナカマド、エゴノキなど多用な木々を植えて ”森“ をつくり出しています。コンクリート壁の前は常緑樹で目隠しし、テラスから手の届く場所に果樹を植えるなど、美観だけでなく、触れたり香りを楽しんだりできる庭園にしています。

When this modern home was built in this newly-developed mountain area, the ground was still bare. Afterwards, we were able to create a wooded area with several species of deciduous trees, such as Kousa Dogwood, Japanese Rowan and Japanese Snowbell. Evergreen trees were planted to hide the concrete fences and fruit trees were planted in reach of the terraces. These decisions provide the garden with splendid view along with a fragrant atmosphere.

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